Friday, December 30, 2011

AMD vs. Intel

That's right. Shit just got real. Inb4:

  • Whining
  • Bitching
  • Complaining
  • Correct facts
  • Incorrect facts
  • Intelfags trying to justify the extra money they spent on a 10% performance increase.
That should cover most of it.

My two cents on this situation? Intel is better. Just barely. They're cooler than AMD. 10% cooler. That's not 20%, however, and that would be when I would start giving a fuck. Face it, Intel doesn't provide too much more than AMD, and knowing that many Intel users will never even completely saturate their processors capability kind of puts the final nail in the coffin. You can try and bend things around to make Intel seem better, but just because AMD isn't slapping your shit around like they were at the turn of the century doesn't mean that Intel is so much better than AMD.

Bitch in the comments. Your tears are delicious.

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